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Use cases
Ethics & Transparency
Anti-bribery | ISO 37 001 | ISO 37 002 |
ISO 37 301 | Whistleblower |
IT & Digital
Privacy & Data
APPI (Japon) | BDSG (Germany) | CCPA (California) | CCIN (Monaco) |
CNPD (Luxembourg) | COPPA (USA) | Cookie consent (GDPR Principals) | Cybersecurity (China, Greece) |
Data Protection Act (Danemark) | DPA (United-Kingdom, Sweden) | DP Act (Ireland) | DSG (Austria) |
Europrivacy (Europe GDPR) | FERPA (USA) | FFIEC (USA) | GAPP |
IRS 1075 (USA) | ISO 27 701 | ISO/IEC 29 100 | LGPD (Brazil) |
LPD (France, Switzeland) | Massachusetts / NAIC / ORS 646A.600 (USA) | PDPA (Malaisia, Singapore, Taiwan) | PDPL (Chile, United Arab Emirates, Peru) |
PDPO (Hong Kong) | Personopplysningsloven (Norway) | PIPA (Alaska) | PIPEDA/LPRPDE (Canada) |
PIPL (Chine) | POPIA (South Africa) | PPL (Israel) | Privacy Act (Australia, New Zealand) |
RGPD (Hungary, Italy) | R132/2018 (Argentina) | Tietosuojalaki (Finland) | 58/2019 (Portugal) |
CERT RMM | CESBISO 14 001 | CRSDISO 26 000 | GRI |
SASB | UN Global Compact | Vermont Act 171 |
Health & Safety
CERT RMM | HIPAA | ISO 31 000 | ISO 31 010 |
ISO 45 001 |
Ethics & Transparency | Health & Safety | IT & Digital | Legal |
Legal | Privacy & Data | Quality | DORA |
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