South Carolina Privacy

Compliance Platform

What is South Carolina’s Insurance Data Security Act  ?

The South Carolina Insurance Data Security Act is an U.S. insurance data security law, which went into effect in 2019. South Carolina is the first state in the nation to pass this legislation, which is modeled after the NAIC Insurance Data Security Model Law. 

The Act establishes standards for data security, standards for investigation and standards for communications to the South Carolina Department of Insurance and to the Licensee affected by a cybersecurity event. The aim of the act is to protect the data that businesses are collecting and holding.  

The Act applies to all licensees of South Carolina Department of Insurance. A licensee is any individual or nongovernmental entity licensed, registered and authorized to operate under the state insurance laws. Businesses affected by the Act must certify compliance with the information security program requirements.  

This solution will provide your organisation guidance on how to gain and maintain compliance with the South Carolina Insurance Data Security Act.