Chile Privacy

Compliance Platform

What is Chile’s Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) ?

The Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) is the major data protection and privacy regulation in Chile. This law aims to promote the protection of personal information processed in Chile and gives rights to individuals regarding their personal information.  

The PDPL protects the data privacy of individuals and as such it contains a number of information privacy principles related to the processing of personal data of individuals. The PDPL applies to public or private organisations. Since there is no special data protection authority in Chile, data protection violations must be challenged with a Constitutional Protective Action based on an alleged violation of the constitutionally guaranteed right to protection of personal data, or with an action before the ordinary civil courts. 

This solution will provide your organisation guidance on how to gain and maintain compliance with the PDPL. In order to also receive guidance on the GDPR, we recommend that you make use of this PDPL solution in combination with the GDPR solution.