Bahamas Privacy

Compliance Platform

What is the Bahamas’ Data Protection Act ?

The Data Protection Act 2003 is the major data protection and privacy regulation in Bahamas. This law aims to promote the protection of personal information processed in Bahamas and gives rights to individuals regarding their personal information. The Privacy Commissioner is the data protection authority in Bahamas. 

The Act protects the data privacy of individuals and as such it contains 8 information privacy principles, which cover data collection, accuracy, processing purposes, disclosure, retention, security measures, and the right of access. This law also places a duty of care on data controllers to data subjects in regard to their personal data. The Privacy Act applies to processing of personal data by both the private and public sectors. 

This solution will provide your organisation guidance on how to gain and maintain compliance with the Act. In order to also receive guidance on the GDPR, we recommend that you make use of this Data Protection Act solution in combination with the GDPR solution.