Smart Global Governance presents its Scientific Committee
It is chaired by Philippe Montigny – President of the International Research Centre on Compliance, Ethics and Finance (CIRCE Finance)
Sophia-Antipolis, January 4th 2022 – Smart Global Governance – a software publisher specialized in integrated risk management – announces the formation of its Scientific Committee, composed of 8 compliance, risk management and risk governance experts. Its objective is to provide Smart Global Governance with advice on emerging issues related to these areas but also :
- Identify and assess how digital risk management processes can improve risk prevention and promote overall compliance effectiveness in organizations.
- Share forward-looking views on social, technological, organizational, managerial or regulatory developments in the compliance domain and the potential opportunities for digital solutions to help address them.
Olivier GUILLO – CEO of Smart Global Governance, states: “Our mission is to support organizations from start to finish in the digitalization of their risk management processes. Our Scientific Committee is our core business, it is integrated into various working groups alongside us and we are honored to have among our members experts recognized by our ecosystem.“
Philippe MONTIGNY – Chairman of the Scientific Committee comments, “I agreed to chair the Scientific Committee of Intelligent Global Governance because I see compliance officers facing unprecedented challenges stemming from the constant global evolution of legal requirements and growing opinion expectations. I am convinced that the digitalization of compliance processes, including the use of artificial intelligence tools, will help the compliance officer to meet this challenge effectively while controlling costs.“
Members of the Scientific Committee :

Philippe MONTIGNY – Chairman of the Scientific Committee has been working on compliance issues for 25 years. As early as 1997, as a member of the cabinet of the OECD Secretary General, he participated in the negotiations that led to the OECD Convention against corruption. In 2006, he designed the first anti-bribery certification process developed with his company, ETHIC Intelligence. He participated in the drafting of the ISO 19600 standard on compliance management systems and the ISO 37001 standard on anti-corruption management systems. In 2018 he accepted the offer from The Red Flag Group to acquire ETHIC Intelligence, where he continues to chair the Certification Committee. Today, as President of the Center for International Research on Compliance, Ethics and Finance (CIRCE Finance), Philippe MONTIGNY shares his experience on Risk, Ethics and Compliance with senior executives and boards of private, public and international organizations.

Denis MUSSON – Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Committee, risk management and governance have been at the heart of his activities for 25 years. He was General Counsel and Secretary of the Board of Directors at Imerys (a listed international group) for 20 years, where he contributed to the assessment of risks in regards to the development of the extraction and transformation of industrial minerals throughout the world. Director since 2008 and Honorary President of the Cercle Montesquieu (French association of corporate legal managers), Denis MUSSON promotes the exchange of best practices and solutions between members to control compliance risks within companies. Since 2021, Denis MUSSION is a Senior Advisor for Imerys and an asset management fund in Canada (Sagard Holdings). He is also Senior Executive VP and mediator of Equanim International to resolve amicably disputes of companies.

CEO – BCP Partners (Paris)
After 20 years of international operational experience in law firms, listed groups and investment funds, and then at Boyden, an American recruitment firm, Blandine Cordier Palasse founded BCP PARTNERS in 2010. Her recruitment and human strategy consulting firm was ranked as “key player” by “Décideurs” magazine for the 9th consecutive year in 2019. In 2010, seeing that compliance was becoming a strategic lever of governance for groups in Europe as well, she co-founded Le Cercle de la Compliance as a professional association and assumed the role of Vice President. She is a regular speaker at conferences and lectures on governance and compliance at ESSEC and the Cercle des Administrateurs at Sciences-Po, Assas and Dauphine. She puts her experience and expertise, her sense of analysis and her “Thinking out of the box DNA” at the service of the most demanding missions in recruitment and governance consulting.

Attorney and Shareholder
Murphy and McGonigle (Washington)
Rob is a Shareholder in Murphy and McGonigle’s Washington, D.C. office. He joined the firm following twenty years of service in the Fraud Section of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. Rob’s practice emphasizes white-collar criminal matters, enforcement investigations, internal corporate investigations, and compliance counseling. He has specific expertise in foreign bribery (FCPA, UKBA, Sapin 2, and others), financial services fraud, securities fraud, commodities fraud, sanctions violations, and antitrust/cartel. He provides tailored compliance solutions for corporates in all business sectors. Rob is the founding member of the firm’s White Collar Defense, Investigations, and Compliance Counseling Group.

Lawyer, Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption Commission – ICC (Brussels)
François Vincke, lawyer, has been working in the fight against corruption for 26 years. He has served as Anti-Corruption Officer for the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission and Vice Chairman of the Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption Commission. He has written a number of articles and participated in numerous conferences on ethics and compliance issues.

Director of the Chair-Master in Business Law and Ethics
Scientific Director of the International Review of Compliance and Business Ethics
Roxana Family is a graduate in private law and international private law, holds a PhD from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas and is a lecturer at CY Cergy Paris University. Appointed as a development officer, she participated in the creation of the University’s Foundation of which she is the administrator. In May 2008, she was elected Dean of the Faculty of Law, a position she held until April 2016. She was then appointed Vice-President of the University where she was in charge of international development and was the University’s administrator from 2016 to 2020. Since 2007, Roxana has been the Director of the Chair of Business Law and Ethics. The Chair houses the Master’s degree in Business Law and Ethics, the first university course dedicated to governance, risk management and compliance, which Roxana has been directing since its opening in 2008. Roxana participates in conferences and symposiums on issues related to business ethics, governance, risk management, compliance and corporate social responsibility. In October 2013, she created the bilingual (French-English) International Review of Compliance and Business Ethics (RICEA) of which she is the scientific director. She was a member of the National Law Council from 2015 to 2020. An expert in the fight against corruption, she is a member of the monitoring committees of compliance programs, ethics committees and scientific committees of major groups. She has been a director of Le Cercle d’éthique des affaires since 2014. In 2021, she was appointed as a member of the Stakeholders SNCF group Committee following the law’s reform.

Corporate Ethics and Financial Crime Expert (Canada)
Marc Y. Tassé is a globally recognized expert on corporate misconduct, crisis response, and ethical leadership, who has extensive experience as an independent special advisor to various board chairs, board members, and CEOs of corporations and organizations, federal and provincial departments, agencies and crown corporations.
He advises various clients on “high profile and sensitive cases” related to alleged corruption, fraud, money laundering, financial misconduct, conflict of interest, and breach of fiduciary duty. He also advises his clients on appropriate risk mitigation strategies related to ESG issues, such as climate change, social activism, equity and inclusion, diversity, supply chain considerations, and cybersecurity.

Senior Economist and CSR Expert (France)
Nadia Caïd is a senior economist who is specialised in topics related to sustainable development, health and the environment. She was the OECD Executive Director of its “environment and transport” programme, then Director of Development at Veolia. Responsible for several flagship publications of the OECD and other bodies, she has also created an international peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to field actions and best practices in developing countries. She has advised several Foundations, Institutes and Organisations on their CSR strategies.