What is the Metaverse?

The Metaverse is a shared virtual collective space created by the convergence of physical and digital reality.

It is device-independent and not owned by a single provider.

The Metaverse has its own virtual economy, enabled by digital currencies and non-fungible tokens (NFT) based on Ethereum.

According to Forbes, the Metaverse is an economic space with a potential of more than $1 trillion within the next 10 years.


The 2 types of Metaverse domain names


Secure domain names Unsecured domain names
  • Only the trademark owner can obtain it on a first come, first served basis.


  • The secure domain name has an eID prefix that allows consumers to be sure that the domain name belongs to the brand.


  • The brand secures the domain name and transactions that flow through it through multiple signature governance rules
  • Anyone can get it on a first come, first served basis.


  • Many cybersquatters have pre-empted these domains for resale purposes to make a profit or impersonation in future transactions on the metaverse.


  • There are no governance rules associated with this type of domain.

Discover our all-in-one solution!

Smart Global Governance helps you succeed by offering:

  • A study of the availability of secure and non-secure domain names (trademarks, URLs, generic names)
  • Preparation of a budget in Euros for:
    1. The purchase on the primary market of secure and non-secure domain names
    2. He purchase on the secondary market by negotiation
  • Permanent monitoring to buy back domain names that would fall back into the public domain
  • Automatic renewal of domains

For more information